Sometimes offers sell themselves. Sign-up to Matchbook before June 14 and you can bet with 0% commission across all sports for the rest of the year. There’s no catch. Just move over to Matchbook, sign-up for a new account and you won’t pay a penny of commission on any bet you make for the rest of 2018.
Every sport. Every day. Nothing to pay. All year.
We don’t want to get overexcited here, but it’s probably the greatest offer in the history of the planet. Ever. OK that’s maybe a tiny bit over the top, but it’s an offer you would be absolutely crazy to pass up and there is no better time to make the move.
This is set to be a huge summer of sports and sports betting with the World Cup in Russia along with an already packed sporting calendar. If the summer of 2017 was a sporting wasteland, then 2018 is set to be an oasis of sporting action and you can drink it all in at Matchbook with zero percent commission on every bet.
Matchbook is the home of smart betting
With razor-sharp pricing on football, expert tipsters, strategy advice and some of the best handicap markets around when it comes to the World Cup there is no other place you want to be. And the fun doesn’t stop in July, as there is a full year of zero percent action to come, from Wimbledon to the return of the NFL in September and beyond.
Matchbook has offered 0% commission on all UK and Irish racing since February but this extended offer for new customers is its biggest and boldest move yet as it looks to shake up the betting exchange sector and put punters first. Matchbook wants everyone to experience how betting can be better and experience the value, flexibility and control you get from a betting exchange.
With Matchbook you already get amazing odds, the flexibility to bet how you want and huge liquidity on football, racing, baseball, basketball the NFL and many more. And with 0% commission on every bet there are zero reasons for you to not to move over, but be quick as this limited time offer only runs until June 14.